Spirit Speaking

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The Spirit Speak skill is used to heal players by channeling spiritual energy. Spiritual energy can be channeled from either a corpse or the player using the skill. If a corpse is not available, then the player will channel his or her own energy (mana).



Channeling through Corpses
The corpse must be within 3 tiles to be used, otherwise, the player will channel his own energy. The amount healed is a random number between the minimum and maximum values listed in the table below. Should the minimum value be greater than the maximum value, then the healing is equal to the maximum value.

  • Min -- Fame/500 + 1
  • Max -- (Spirit Speak x 10) /20

Channeling your own Energy
If there are no corpses nearby, you can channel your own spiritual energy into healing. However, this method will yield a lesser amount of healing than if you were to channel through a corpse. The amount healed is a random value between the minimum and maximum values below:

  • Min -- Max/2 + 1
  • Max -- (Spirit Speak x 10) /100 + 4

You will need at least 10 points of Mana in order to channel your own energy.

Ghost Talk

Listening to Others
If you manually activate Spirit Speak and successfully channel your spiritual energy, you will hear what ghosts say instead of OooOOOoOo. At 100 skill or higher you automatically hear what ghosts say and don't have to activate Spirit Speak.

Speaking to Others
When you are a ghost and have 100 Spirit Speak or more, living players will hear what you say instead of OOooOoOoo.

Necromancy Spells

Spell Damage and Duration
Spirit Speak is to Necromancy as Evaluating Intelligence is to Magery. Spirit Speak affects the damage and duration of Necromancy spells.



Activate the skill either by macro or skill button.


Spirit Speak will raise when Necromancy spells are cast. If you are training a Necromancer it is best to let Spirit Speak raise passively until you finish training. Once Necromancy is at the level you want, the quickest way to raise Spirit Speak is:

  1. Turn into Lich Form if able.
  2. Summon a Shadow Wisp if able.
  3. Wear 40% Lower Mana Cost, 2 Faster Casting, and 6 Faster Cast Recovery.
  4. Wear as much Mana Regeneration as possible.
  5. Equip a weapon.
  6. Cast Curse Weapon over and over.

Movement is not necessary to gain.