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This Inscription guide is intended as an information portal for players looking to understand what they are able to craft using the crafting skill Inscription on Alterworld Online.


  • Using a scribes pen, craft spell scrolls, race spell scrolls, runebooks, spellbooks and various other items


Inscription Craftables
Category Item Ingredients Min. Skill
Circle 1 Spells File:1ascroll.jpg
First Circle Scrolls
1 Blank Scroll
1 of each reagent(s) related to the spell
0 Inscription
Circle 2 Spells File:1bscroll.jpg
Second Circle Scrolls
1 Blank Scroll
1 of each reagent(s) related to the spell
0 Inscription
Circle 3 Spells File:1cscroll.jpg
Third Circle Scrolls
1 Blank Scroll
1 of each reagent(s) related to the spell
5 Inscription
Circle 4 Spells File:1dscroll.jpg
Fourth Circle Scrolls
1 Blank Scroll
1 of each reagent(s) related to the spell
18 Inscription
Circle 5 Spells File:1escroll.jpg
Fifth Circle Scrolls
1 Blank Scroll
1 of each reagent(s) related to the spell
33 Inscription
Circle 6 Spells File:1fscroll.jpg
Sixth Circle Scrolls
1 Blank Scroll
1 of each reagent(s) related to the spell
47 Inscription
Circle 7 Spells File:1gscroll.jpg
Seventh Circle Scrolls
1 Blank Scroll
1 of each reagent(s) related to the spell
61 Inscription
Circle 8 Spells File:1hscroll.jpg
Eighth Circle Scrolls
1 Blank Scroll
1 of each reagent(s) related to the spell
75 Inscription
Spells of Necromancy File:1hscroll.jpg
Necromancy Spells
1 Blank Scroll
items related to the spell
40-80 Inscription
Spellweaving File:1hscroll.jpg
1 Blank Scroll
items harvested using the Dendrophilia race skill
32-75 Inscription
Runebook File:1hscroll.jpg
8 Blank Scroll
1 recall scrolls
1 gate travel scroll
5 dread horn mane
45 Inscription
Spellbook File:1hscroll.jpg
10 Blank Scroll 50 Inscription
Necromancer Spellbook File:1hscroll.jpg
10 Blank Scroll 50 Inscription
Spellweaving Spellbook File:1hscroll.jpg
10 Blank Scroll 50 Inscription