New Player Guide

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Greetings fellow Alterworld Online traveller. This New Player Guide will provide information to new and returning players to Alterworld Online. It will cover key topics from intallation, character creation, race selection and key information you need to know to get started.

Getting Started

General Shard Information

  • Accounts per IP: 3
  • Characters per Account: 5
  • Houses per Account: 1
  • Skill cap: No cap
  • Statcap: 300
  • Ruleset: Alterworld Custom Felucca

Creating a Character

Name and Appearance

  • Character Name and Sex
  • Optional: Select a name that will align to the race you intend to select

Joining a Race

  • You have three Races to select from. Human, Dryad and Varkolak
  • Visit Race Information of a detailed view of the Races, starting perks, unique skills and attributes, and the unique race XP levelling system
  • When you arrive at the Alterworld Online Docks, you can explore and discuss your Race options with the Race NPC's
  • Read and select the Race that you would like to join.