Prestige Reward Points

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This Prestige Reward Points guide is intended as an information portal for players looking to understand where they can use their Prestige Points obtained via the Prestige process

Prestige Reward Points

  • Prestige is the process of reincarnation on Alterworld Online, this means you will have the option to jump into the Alterworld Online lava pit, reincarnating your soul to allow you to select a new Race journey (Please note: This will restart your XP points / race level you have obtained)
  • You will arrive back on the Alterworld Online docks, whereby you will be able to select a new race (or remain the same race), restarting your XP and race level
  • Depending on your race level / XP at the time of Prestige, you will obtain Prestige points
  • Three options will be available (Low Prestige, Medium Prestige & Full Prestige)

Prestige Reward Store